About Us

Potential must be realized, not simply recognized.

Our Vision

Empowering every learner to secure a better future for themselves and the world around them.

Our Mission

Creating flexible, immersive pathways to enhance the pipeline of diverse talent and build more equitable, inclusive workplaces and communities.

Our Work

The Washington Center provides immersive internships and academic seminars to students from hundreds of colleges and universities and young professionals from across the U.S. and more than twenty-five countries.

We help students who otherwise may not have the opportunity to pursue their interests, experience what a successful career looks like, and establish a path toward their professional future. Along the way, we inspire them to become well-informed, public-spirited, and more socially engaged in their communities.

As the largest, most established program of its kind, we have 90 dedicated, full-time staff and more than 600 higher education, corporate, government, foundation and internship host partners. We are independent, not-for-profit, and committed to providing transformative educational experiences that change lives.

More than 60,000 TWC alumni have gone on to serve the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. They hold leadership positions in virtually every career field, including law, education, social work, medicine, journalism, diplomacy, business, and politics.

Help us provide experiences that turn potential into a plan.

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Reshaping the Workforce - Our 2022-2026 Strategic Plan

The Washington Center is committed to continually evolving how we deliver on our mission and values. The pace of change in our society, places of work and education structures is moving at unprecedented rates. Moreover, our collective experiences throughout the COVID-19 global pandemic, exposed systemic inequities throughout our society. 

TWC has a once-in-a-generation chance to serve historically marginalized students and advance their social and economic mobility in lasting ways. Our strategic plan serves as a guide to how we deliver on this chance, grounded in data, insights and sustainable actions.



Anti-Racism and Anti-Hate Statement
The Washington Center stands in solidarity with all marginalized communities. We believe communities are strengthened by the inclusion of and equity for all people. Racism, hate, and violence have no place in our society, and we condemn all such acts. We are committed to becoming an anti-racist and anti-hate organization.

Diversity Statement
We commit to continuously striving for diversity, equity and inclusion through ongoing education, reflection, and awareness. As an organization nearing five decades in existence, we recognize we have work to do. At The Washington Center, each person brings unique and varied lived experiences which inform our thoughts, actions, and decision-making processes. We aim to create an inclusive, safe environment for our staff, students, and all stakeholders, where everyone’s differences are honored, every perspective is valued, and everyone is safe to bring forth their authentic selves.