
Join TWC in celebrating 45 years of Monumental Impact. We are proud of our community of 60,000+ alumni like you, who are making a difference every day as global and engaged citizens, and who are living proof of the impact of our experiential learning programs.

Nearly 85% of TWC students receive some form of financial assistance to participate in our programs. If you are in a position to help support TWC’s 45th Anniversary Fund, please know that your contribution will make our transformative programming possible for future students that otherwise could not consider it.

Support The Washington Center's 45th Anniversary Fund

Learn more about exclusive recognition benefits to supporting TWC’s 45th Anniversary Fund:

Learn more about our sponsorship benefit levels

Or, donate online now: 

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Did You Know...

This past year, we have made huge strides to re-engage with our alumni population and continue to provide value to your TWC experience. There are now numerous ways for alumni to get involved at TWC such as:

Want to learn more?  Email us at