Department of Navy HBCU/MI Post-Doctoral Program

Department of Navy HBCU/MI Post-Doctoral Program

Conduct state-of-the-art scientific research with one of the Nation's leading multidisciplinary science and technology programs.

Work alongside world-renowned scientists and engineers in Washington, D.C. at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) to strengthen America's naval defense. Your research will focus on the advancement of science and technology for applications relevant to the Department of Defense (DoD), Department of Navy (DoN) and NRL mission specific areas. This two-year appointment, pending annual review, provides an annual stipend, relocation costs, health benefits and a specified research project with clear objectives and goals.

Sponsored by the Department of the Navy and supported by The Washington Center, this immersive program will further develop your skill set for careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Many research projects have the potential to make a significant impact in the scientific and global community.


This is a highly selective program. To be eligible to participate, you must meet the following criteria:

  • U.S. Citizens Only. Dual citizens (those holding citizenship with more than one country) are eligible if applicant has U.S. Citizenship. Standard background investigation will be performed to insure all eligibility requirements are met.
  • Recent graduate (within 2 years) of a Ph.D. program at a Historically Black College or University, or Minority Institution.
  • Advanced degree within the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.
  • Maintain a 3.0+ cumulative GPA.
  • Be fluent in English (spoken and written).

Program Components

During this two-year post-doctoral program, you will conduct research with specific target goals and objectives. Research projects span the full spectrum of STEM disciplines, allowing you to enhance your professional skills. To learn more about available research opportunities for the program beginning October 2025, please email

Program Cost

This is a fully funded post-doctoral program, sponsored by the Department of Navy. Sponsorship includes an annual salary of $86,335, along with select benefit packages and relocation costs up to $5,000. The salary is paid throughout participation in the program.

Housing and Living

The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory does not provide housing while participating in this program. Suggestions for affordable housing within close proximity of the NRL can be provided upon request.

Dates and Deadlines

Application Deadline: July 2024 – March 2025
Check-In: October 2025
Check-Out: Fall 2027

How to Apply

Submission of 2025 applications is now open. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact


Application Documents

You'll need to submit the following documents along with your application:

  • Resumé/CV
  • Unofficial transcripts for all post-secondary institutions*
  • Two Letters of Recommendation: preferably from recommenders who are familiar with your research or academic work
  • Postdoctoral Research Projects: Identify which of the available projects listed here interest you, or for which you would be qualified to support. 
  • Research Abstract

* Please note that official transcripts will be required if a candidate becomes a finalist. Finalists will also be asked to complete an interview.