Hello! My name is Morganne Blazejak. I am from the Eastern Shore of Maryland in a small town out in the country. Going from corn fields to city streets in Washington, D.C. is a big change, but with endless opportunities for personal growth. I am looking forward to gaining insight into possible career choices, meeting new people and living in the city on my own.
I am a junior at Alvernia University, where I double major in Healthcare Administration and Healthcare Science. At school, I am passionate about getting involved with different business clubs and working with the Foster Grandparent Program. At The Washington Center, I intern for Retire Safe. The mission of Retire Safe is to advocate on behalf of mature seniors on issues including Social Security, Medicare, health, safe-retirement and financial well being. As you can tell, working with elders is something that brings me a lot of joy!
In my free time you can find my obsessing over my dogs, eating food and exploring. I consider myself having an introverted personality, but love the adventure of trying new things and making new friends. I believe my time in D.C. will be the beginning steps to my professional career and will make for an unforgettable three months.
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